Great Expectations

Today I felt refreshed.

I began my day with a drive up Torrey Pines Rd to the coast along Highway 1 and stopped at a Starbucks/Brueggers Bagels hybrid on the corner of a quaint little street in Del Mar. I built up a little karma by tipping a dollar to the young man at the register who gave me a large to go cup filled with hot water at no charge. I decided to attend the yoga class at 24 Hour Fitness in Solana Beach and planned my morning around it. Continue reading

Day 13: Massage

This morning I woke up with an ache in my lower back which felt only slightly better after stretching out. I continued my job search this morning, and got the wild and crazy idea of actually continuing the research I had started as an undergrad, or at least using that field, which I am quite obviously interested in, to write up whatever would be required of me to obtain my MS from UCSD. Last night I edited my LinkedIn page and added my publications. Curious about how the work was proceeding, I took note of two papers published since my graduation.

The next exciting installment of the osteogenically-induced hMSC bead saga!
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Day 12: Coastal Ride

A beautiful coastal ride

This morning I began my ride just off of Vista Way, the end of highway 78, in Oceanside. I followed highway 101 down the coast in the company of many other road cyclists, and a fair number of joggers and pedestrians along the beach areas. Continue reading