Day 12: Coastal Ride

A beautiful coastal ride

This morning I began my ride just off of Vista Way, the end of highway 78, in Oceanside. I followed highway 101 down the coast in the company of many other road cyclists, and a fair number of joggers and pedestrians along the beach areas. Continue reading

Day 11: Group Ride

The air was already hot and heavy as I arrived at the UC Cyclery this morning to meet up with the San Diego Bicycle Club for their weekly Saturday ride. I joined Charlie and Mike, who guided the D4 group around a 25 mile loop, along with 16 other riders. The A and B groups were fairly nice sized advanced groups, and headed out right at 8:30am. The D1-5 groups are for riders to improve their skills and group riding ability. Due to the constraints of my equipment I decided to play it safe and join the D4 group, lest I maintain a huge gap towards the back of the D3. Continue reading